Is Your Husband Worth Keeping If He Cheats On You?

 I can say without hesitation that your husband is not worth keeping if he couldn't control himself and had an affair. How hard is it keeping your vows and not dishonoring your wife. Not to mention AsiaCharm.comReviews that he has put you in harms-way, physically and emotionally.


Your husband wasn't too concerned about you when he was committing adultery. What if his mistress had a disease and he passed it on to you? How much money did he waste on her that was meant for you and your household? Your lousy husband has taken a part of your life and destroyed it. Any good memories you had before the affair have been wiped away, as a result of your husband's cheating.


Now, I need you to pause for a second, rewind and look at this question from a different perspective.


The first thing I need to clarify is that I'm not telling you that you should leave your husband because he cheated. Does he deserve you after he broke his vows and your heart? Absolutely not! However, AsiaCharm doesn't mean you can't restore your marriage.


Secondly, I don't know how great or lousy your husband has been before the affair and how he has been after the skeletons fell out of his closet.


So how do you decide what to do?


I always recommend that women, figure out what they want in a relationship in the future and how long are they willing to wait for it?


The next question that has to be answered by the wife is, "Is it possible to get the kind of relationship they want, from their husband"?


It's very easy to walk away from a cheating husband. I know you are experiencing unbearable pain and shame at this time. The thought of kicking him to the curb is quite refreshing, isn't it? I don't believe anyone, except maybe your husband and his mama, would say you were wrong to do so. However, it all comes down to the questions above.


What are you looking for in a relationship?


If you want to be able to trust your partner and laugh and enjoy his company, is that something you can envision doing again with your husband? I'm not talking about this month or even this year. Do you believe that a year from now, you can have a meaningful marriage again? It requires real honesty on your part and it's difficult to be honest when you are angry and an emotional wreck.


So why not take a deep breath and slowly try to put back together your marriage? It will hurt to try to heal your marriage. It will hurt just as much or more if you decide to end your marriage. I recommend that if you are undecided or have mixed emotions about kicking  him out or leaving, perhaps it's a sign that you should stay and try to work through the issue.


Clearly your husband won your heart before and if you allow him to, he could probably do it again. It will not be overnight but it could happen, if that's what you want. If you at least give it a try you will not have any regrets should it not work out. You don't want to be thinking 5 years from now, "what if"?


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