Dealing With Infidelity - Loving The One Who Ruined Your Marriage

 How do you love someone who has lied to you, betrayed you and pretty much ruined your marriage and future? Dealing with infidelity is just that. Learning how to adjust your mind and reprogram your heart is not easy. If someone tells you recovering from an affair is not that hard, they are either lying to you or in denial.


Recovering from infidelity is unlike any other Reviews challenge in a marriage. When you are struggling financially you find ways to get more money or live with less. If you are having trouble communicating it's usually after a period of time you learn to work things out. Dealing with rude in-laws or sorting out differences regarding how to raise children can be challenging but usually compromise wins the day.


Now, if you are dealing with infidelity you know how hard it is to recover. It doesn't matter if the affair happened last month or last year, the healing is a slow process. It's like starting your marriage all over again but this time with a known obstacle to overcome.


There is this thing called trust and this other thing called intimacy you have to get back. Once you find out about an affair, trust jumps out the window and intimacy locks itself in a room. It takes great patience and purpose to love, trust and be intimate again. You have to learn how to love the very one who has broken your heart.


Loving The One Who Ruined Your Marriage


• Don't treat your cheating spouse in a horrible manner


• Be considerate of your limitations


• Make sure your communication is clear


• Have a plan for recovering from infidelity


• Set goals for bringing down the barriers stopping you from loving again


• Be loving even when you feel like being bitter and mean


• Be patient with your new relationship


There is no set in stone formula for dealing with infidelity. Emotionally you will continue to be on a roller coaster. One day you will feel as though things are turning around. The next day you will read about someone having an affair and emotionally you will take a step back.


It's important to not let outside influences OKCupid determine whether you will or will not be able to deal with the affair. You will get advice from some very wise individuals and you should consider their advice. You will also get some very bad advice from people. It's important for you to weed out the bad advice.


I know it's possible to recover from infidelity. I also know that a marriage can end quickly when dealing with infidelity. My parents divorced relatively quickly after my dad had an affair. He also took a few bullets with him as he exited the house for the last time. He survived the shots but their marriage didn't.



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