How to Get Past the Affair and Strengthen Your Marriage

 "One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope." Steven Deitz


One quote could not be truer than when applied to an affair. An affair hurts crushes and torments the person that this horrible deed has been done to. It makes you question everything in your marriage Datinggroup as well as tarnishes more than anyone could ever imagine. Especially when it is multiple affairs that are revealed after the final one was caught. Now you are sitting there not knowing what to do, do you end the marriage by filing for divorce? Do you try to work things out and forgive the person who hurt you? Do you stay together just for the kids? No one can tell you what to do, and no one can fault you for whatever decision it is that you make. But always remember that the decision you choose has to make you happy in the long run as well. With that said if you are choosing to save your marriage and forgive the affair there are several things that need to happen first.


1. You are going to need to grieve, this may sound odd but you will understand when you think about it a little further. You are wondering who this person you are with really is anymore, are they who they were when you married them? The short answer is No; but it is also extremely Eharmoney complicated and this is where the grieving starts, you need to grieve the loss of the person you once loved. You need to come to terms with the fact that they have changed. But at the same time you need to remember that so have you. And this does not make either of you a bad person, one of you just got lost along the way or was never on the same path to begin with, but that does not mean that they are not ready to be there.

2. Talk, this can't be stressed enough. Air needs to be cleared and you have questions that need answered. The cheating party needs to remember this and be as patient as they can be because they are in the wrong. They do not know what you are going through even if they say they do. If they can't be patient with these processes then you need to re-evaluate your decision and decide if this is the best choice for you. When asking questions, ask whatever you feel you need to ask. Many people will say don't dwell on the small things (was he/she better looking, better in bed, what positions, when and where) whatever the question is that you need to know to feel better, ask it. It will be hard, it will make you sick to hear these things, and they will come back to haunt you through this process and if you are a person that hates the not knowing, then it is better to know than to torment yourself with the what ifs.

3. Listen. The other party does still have things that they may need to express that brought this on. However do not let them convince you it was your fault, there is nothing in the world that warrants someone cheating. But there may be things in the relationship on both parts that can cause one party to become lost but it all comes down to how the cheating party handled, and cheating is never the answer

4. Acceptance. Yes, at some point after you have grieved the former marriage that you were part of, asked all of your questions and received all of your answers and heard their side you will accept what has happened and be ready to move on. This is where all of that talking comes into play, where compromises have to be made on things that may have driven the relationship off course. Where the two of you come back to square one and start over together, start again together, and be ready to recommit together.


Now there are times where you might back slide into previous steps and that is completely normal and acceptable. This is not a process that has a time limit on it and one cannot be placed or expected to be placed on it. This healing process and how the offending party handles it will make or break the relationship.


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